According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a new strain of coronavirus emerged on Wuhan, Hubei Province China called Novel Coronavirus, commonly known as nCov.
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that are commonly infectious to animals such as camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Coronavirus may cause common cold or more alarming diseases such as Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Based on early reports, nCov was linked to large seafood and animal market in Wuhan which indicates animal to human transmission. However, recent findings show spread between human interactions as some reported cases have no interaction with the said seafood market.
There is no confirmed nCov case in the Philippines
Officials of the Department of Health are closely monitoring possible nCov cases from travelers who came from Wuhan, China and other affected areas. Fortunately, there are no confirmed cases in the Philippines.
List of countries with confirmed nCoV case:
How is it transmitted?
Novel Coronavirus like other coronavirus diseases (MERS and SARS) is believed to have spread through droplets caused by sneezing or coughing. Therefore, virus is not airborne.
Respiratory droplets could travel for only 3 ft which indicates that this virus could only affect people in close proximity to the bearer of virus.
Although there are no confirmed cases in the country, if you travelled to affected areas or have close contact to people who have travelled to these areas, you should monitor for the following symptoms:
If you or somebody you know is experiencing these symptoms, visit your healthcare provider.
What other factors will healthcare professionals be looking for?
Acute respiratory illness f any degree of severity (fever, cough, colds, sore throat, or pneumonia) and any of these conditional factors
Any of these conditions shall be asked before investigating possible nCoV case.
If you are travelling to affected areas or you are in close contact with a person who travelled from affected areas, here are some preventive measures you should follow from WHO:
Don't panic. Be informed. Stay vigilant. Take Precaution.